Selbstdefinierte Kategorie: Antifaschistische Dokumentation
Österreich 2005
15 Minuten
Regie: GAJ-Wien
e-mail: info< at >
Produktion: Grünalternative Jugend Wien
Koproduktion: ACC; Austria
For the past 48 years the circle of comrades of the mountain infantry „Gebirgsjäger“, have sent out invitations to a memorial for the mountain infantry at the „Hohe Brendten“, a mountain near Mittenwald in Bavaria, in order to commemorate those who died in both World Wars there. Every year thousands of former soldiers of Nazi „Wehrmacht“ , soldiers of the present German Federal armed forces and their young and old like-minded colleagues, answer the call. Nowadays they are, however, no longer undisturbed: Anti-fascistic demonstrators try to confront the history-faking cult by talks with those who witnessed history first-hand, demonstrations and road shows, to keep alive the memory of the victims of the massacres of the „Gebirgsjäger“ in more than 58 places in Europe and to hold the war criminals, who are still alive, to account.